It’s been a while since I posted anything but I’ve been working on the diff again recently. I ordered the carrier bearings and the two pinion bearings, small and large. All was well until I realised that one of the pinion bearings was the wrong size. It’s part number is M88040, I needed M88048. They…
So I’ve continued with the Spitfire today. Last week I removed the engine and gearbox along with the radiator. I removed the engine with ease using an electric winch I was given and my dad has installed in the garage to do just this (or lift motorbikes). I plan to work on the engine and…
Now it’s really coming on and there’s no turning back. I finished removing everything from the body tub this weekend. The pedals, fuel tank and hand brake cable. Although I hadn’t realised the handbrake cable was still attached to the body initially. We tried to pull the body tub off the chassis and it didn’t…
I spent a fair while working on the Spitfire today. Mainly concentrating on the interior and the wiring loom. Last time I worked on it I removed the bumpers, lights, quarter valances, various bits of chrome trim and the boot trim. Most of that went fairly smoothly. The only bit I found hard was taking…