I’m now in a position to be working on various parts of the car at the same time, building the engine up as well as getting to work on the bonnet which has sat in storage for two years while I worked on the rest of the body. The bonnet, along with all the other…
The body was painted and polished as far as I was happy with so next up was to install the engine and gearbox before lowering the body onto the chassis. I got the engine moved from my shed where it had stood since I rebuilt it, ready to turn over with assembly paste on all…
I finished repairing and priming the shell back in March of this year and spent the Spring building up the chassis and running gear. By the end of May, it was time to swap them back over and get to work on getting the shell finished. Having enlisted some help to get it back in…
The time had finally come to get the body stripped down and start work on repairs. I decided to go down the chemical stripping route and in February last year, sent all the body panels, body tub and chassis to Prostrip Ltd in Nottingham. I had the chassis done since I wasn’t really happy with…
I finally got to the stage of putting some colour on the chassis today since the humidity was low enough at 50%. Although I’ve not been working on the car at every given moment, I have been stripping the chassis down and preparing it for some time now. The old paint on the chassis was…