The diff is on hold until I can get hold of a pinion depth shim that’s on backorder so I decided to do some work on the cylinder head. Having read a fair bit about porting and polishing I thought I’d give it a go. There’s loads of videos on the subject on YouTube. Some…
It’s been a while since I posted anything but I’ve been working on the diff again recently. I ordered the carrier bearings and the two pinion bearings, small and large. All was well until I realised that one of the pinion bearings was the wrong size. It’s part number is M88040, I needed M88048. They…
Over the last few weeks I’ve not had a great deal of time to get stuck in on the Spitfire restoration. I’ve been bolting some of the suspension parts together but there’s not really anything I can do on the rear end without getting the diff done because the transverse leaf spring bolts to the…
I finally got to the stage of putting some colour on the chassis today since the humidity was low enough at 50%. Although I’ve not been working on the car at every given moment, I have been stripping the chassis down and preparing it for some time now. The old paint on the chassis was…
The past few weeks have all been about getting the engine stripped down and painted. I’ve also stripped the chassis down, applied a couple of coats of Por15 and a couple of coats of self-etch primer specifically designed to etch the Por15 and provide a suitable surface for the top coat. I think the chassis…